HIT THE RESET BUTTON IN 2021! RESET your health, RESET your outlook, RESET your spirit, RESET YOU! 

The YMCA Reset Challenge is a FREE six-week activity challenge designed to help individuals transform their spirit, mind, and body. EVERYONE in the community is welcome, you do not have to be a Y member to join!

Time to RESET
  • Challenge yourself to 150 minutes a week of physical activity. This can be whatever you want it to be, swim some laps, take a walk, or hop on a bike. Whatever gets you moving! Physical activity can be done at home, outside, or, even better, at your   local, super clean YMCA! 

  • Non-YMCA Members who are RESET participants please download this   Weekly Pass and come check out our branches!* Not sure where to start? RESET will provide a six-week workout plan with daily workouts with both in-person and on-demand/live workout videos! (See Below)

    Interested in becoming a YMCA Member? We would love for you to join our family! Just visit our   Membership Page to view all the options available that can accommodate any budget! You can register both online and in person. Use RESET2021 at checkout to receive a special RESET discount! 

  • Each week will have a different theme that connects to our mission of caring for the whole person. Download the   Activity Tracker Template to help you schedule and plan your goals!

  • Access to a private    Facebook Group of people also doing the RESET challenge to build community and have accountability.

Participants are encouraged to get active for 30 minutes a day, 150 minutes per week.

Activities are centered around six weekly themes:

6 Weeks / 42 Days / 1,008 Hours … Ta-Da! You’ve now been RESET and RESTORED! You are now back to a factory-standard-ready-for-adult-life human! From here, please turn to page six in your human-manual for directions on how to perfectly proceed...

If it were only that simple, right?

There’s no manual. There’s no clear-cut path; life is messy and ever-changing, often we don’t know what lies ahead.

But, what we do know is how to RESET when we need to.

We have a fanny-pack full of insights and resources to help us RESET when we need to.

And, a STRONG LIFE community that will be here to strengthen and encourage you every step of the way!

Enjoy 150 minutes of exercise  LES MILLS ON-DEMAND , RESET ON-DEMAND or try a LIVE CLASS!


Week 5 Local Activities:

  • Volunteer at one of our Food Distribution sites (email nancyalv@ymcasatx.org to register and complete Volunteer forms)

    • Tuesday March 9, 9:00am Harvey E. Najim YMCA-3122 Roosevelt. Tuesdays

    • Wednesday March 10, 10am Y Early Learning Center-835 W. Southcross

    • Wednesday March 10, 9:30am Davis Scott YMCA-1213 Iowa

  • Become a Y Partner by donating to your local YMCA www.ymcasatx.org/give

  • Save a life and become a blood donor! All YMCA’s are hosting a blood drive this week! https://biobridgeglobal.org/donors/south-texas-community-drives/ymca-blood-drives/ 

  • Surprise the person behind you in the drive thru by paying for their meal.


Week 1 Local Activities:


Week 2 Local Activities:

  • Watch and cook along with the CHEF’s from San Antonio Food Bank

  • Try one of the recipes we have posted

  • Trying to get in more water? Add fresh fruit or cucumbers to infuse your water with a little flavor without the sugar!

  • 3 Day Detox/Refresh. Fri-Sunday

  • Eat the Rainbow 2-3 Servings of Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Whole Grains

  • Hydrate! 64oz plain water each day

  • Avoid sugary drinks and alcohol

  • Eat from the Sea, Sky, and the Earth. Avoid processed foods, fast food/takeout

  • 150 minutes of exercise  LES MILLS ON-DEMAND , RESET ON-DEMAND or try a LIVE CLASS!

  • Download your tracker or visit the Y and pick one up!

  • Coach Bridget's Plan


Week 3 Local Activities:

  • Meet your accountabili-buddy at the Y and try a new class! (Reservations required. Call your local branch to make reservations)

  • Facetime with a friend or family member you have not seen in a while

  • Write a letter or note introducing yourself to a neighbor you do not know, OR if you do know your neighbors, surprise them with “We are here for you…” note or treat.

  • Don’t forget to take care of yourself!! Spend some time in prayer or meditation and RECONNECT with YOU! 

  • 150 minutes of exercise  LES MILLS ON-DEMAND , RESET ON-DEMAND or try a LIVE CLASS!

  • Download your tracker or visit the Y and pick one up!

  • 3-days of cooking at home each week! Cut out processed foods and sugary drinks, and drink 640z of plain water.

Week 4 Reset List Replay

  • Family Game Night- play board games with your family
  • Throw a frisbee with your kiddos or pups in the backyard
  • If the wind is right, fly a kite!
  • Make a sidewalk chalk activity chart on your sidewalk so your neighbors can do something fun when out for a walk
  • Play tag in the backyard

*Non-member RESET participants who are visiting branches MUST follow all policies and guidelines presented by the YMCA of Greater San Antonio, including policies pertaining to COVID-19 Safety Procedures. RESET participants must be 18 years of age and if you bring a guest, they must be apart of the same household.