1. What is Playerspace?

Playerspace is a sports communication portal, partnered with the YMCA of Greater San Antonio Sports program, to strengthen the overall communications for our sports leagues.

    2. What information will I find on Playerspace?

    When you register your child for sports, you automatically register for an account on Playerspace - thus no need to create a new account! Please ensure you are registering with an active and frequently checked email account. You will receive an email with your username and password by the first week of practice. From there visit playerspace.com and click “sign-in” found in the top right corner.

    3. How do I get on to Playerspace?

    When you register your child for the sports league, you automatically are registered with an account on Playerspace. There is no need to create a new account! You will receive an e-mail with your username and password the first week of practice. From their you can visit playerspace.com and click “sign-in” at the top of right corner.

    4. What if I am not receiving the information and my ex-spouse is, but we both need the league information?

    This is very common and is an easy fix! Please email the Sports Department at sportsinfo@ymcasatx.org and ask to be invited as a “fan” of the team. You will also need permission from the main account holder and from there you will receive an email with a link that you will need to click on to be added. Once you have been added as a “fan” you will be able to see all of the necessary league information.

    5. What if I am not receiving e-mails from Playerspace?

    Be sure to check your junk, trash and spam folders for Playerspace. You will need to add notifications@playerspace.com to your safe sender list. If you still are not receiving emails, please contact the Sports Department at sportsinfo@ymcasatx.org.

    6. I have more than one child and I can only see one of my children’s team information. How do I see my other children’s information?

    Please ensure you are logged in as yourself as the “Master Account”, and not on your child’s dashboard. To tell if you are logged in as one of your children, check to see if it states your name’s dashboard or your child’s dashboard. To login as yourself, simply visit playerspace.com and login with your credentials that were emailed.

    7. What if I did not receive my login credentials?

    If you have not received your credentials, please contact the Sports Department via the Sports Info email address (sportsinfo@ymcasatx.org) to have them re-sent.

    8. Is there a mobile app for Playerspace?

    Yes, there is! The Playerspace mobile app is available in the App Store and Google Play Store. It is free and does not take up much storage space on your phone. Your login credentials will be the same for both the app and your online web browser.